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I´'m standin´ here, all alone, in the darkness and I´'m waiting for,
Life to begin … begin again
Deep down I know, that I am the one that have to get it going
It almost feels to much … to much to bear
Dare I return to life, now?
Where will I find the strength?
… where will I find…
… find the strength….
I hear doctor Phil, on the TV in the corner and he´'s telling me
That I´'m the man ... the man of my life
But, does he really know, how it feels to loose you love one
And be just half a man ….just half a man
Where will I find the strength?
Where do I go from here?
… where will I go….
… go from here…
Will I ever feel the wind in my hair, and be happy again
Will I ever wake up, and look forward to the day
And would she really want all that, for me
...despite the man... ...that I am…
Will I ever accept, that she´'s gone, thought I know that it's so
What can I do, … make her see me
But I´'m, still alive, though the guilt is killing me, althought slowly
So what can I do ….What can I do
Where will I find the strength?
Where do I go from here?
… where do I go….
… go from here…
... where will I go
….go from here..
/Gus Muller -19