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Ohhh! It's warm today. Even for summer in Sweden. But I welcome it cause Sweden in winter......nooo. So get your shades on and get out there. Just walk in the sun. Enjoy!
Walking The Light was my first single out. I wrote it a cold but sunny spring day while walking in Stockholm. Or rather I had the idea for it. The rhythym got into my head and the first melody notes. And also the first words of the lyrics. "-Just put the right in front of the left". Yeah, just like walking. So I called it Walking and made a demo. It was this demo that Micke MiMO Moberg of MiMo Sounds Records heard and took under his wing. And.... my first single was out. Actually, when posting my demo, one of my distand friends heard it and wrote on Facebook "-Listen! It's the new summer song! Wonderful. And I know him!". Someone liked it. But the summer song of the year in Sweden......noooo, that did not happen. But, I was happy and after a while Micke MiMo called and.... ehee...... at least my life cahanged. And that's nice? Isn't it?
Walking The Light
Walking - Demo